Why is the sky blue?

Here, let’s look on curious question, Why is the sky blue? One of the common questions of our childhood would be this, why is the sky blue? You all might have experienced this by asking to your parents or asked by your children. So, Let’s see what causes the sky to look blue? Let’s get … Read more

How to change Gmail Password?

Here, lets take a look at how you can change your Gmail password on android phone. We are living in the digital world where we use lot of applications on our phone, laptops, tablets etc. Lot of people use Gmail for personal as well as for official purposes. It is very important and need to … Read more

How To Score More Marks In Exam

Do you commonly want to improve your marks and grades? There are a few tricks and practices which can considerably improve your chances of scoring more marks on a test.  Every student wants to know alternative or time-saving methods to study effectively and score more marks in the exams. This article provides you the effective … Read more

How To Detox Your Body?

Detoxification is about unwinding, cleansing and intensifying the body from the inside out by eliminating toxins then feeding your body with healthy nutrients. Here is an article on how to detox your body. Detoxification is the method of discarding toxic substances from the body. We all have hectic days where we clean the mess in … Read more

How To Live A Simple And Happy Life?

Here is an article on how to live a simple and happy life. Simple living is all about discovering the beauty in less and putting quality over quantity. It’s all about doing and valuing things which makes us happy rather than running behind status, money or societal goals. Everyone wants to live a happy life, … Read more

How To Manage Time Effectively?

Here is an article on how to manage time in simple and easy ways. Have you ever wondered seeing others that how do they accomplish the tasks and do not keep any pending works, when you and the other person got the same time 24×7? None of us is born productive. It’s the culture of … Read more

How To Prioritize Things In a Better Way?

Many people in this world struggle to prioritize things in a right and better way. Here’s an article that helps you know how to prioritize things in a better way!! Many of us might feel difficulty in prioritizing things and decide what to do first. When we procrastinate doing things or when we have a … Read more