How to focus on study with out distraction

How to focus on studies without getting distracted

here are few tips to focus on study

In this article we are putting together the things to be organized or changes to be made to have a peaceful reading.

Distraction meaning-a thing that prevents someone from concentrating on something else.

Everyone wants to score good grades in their schools but only a few achieve to do it, because of their stringent mind-set of not getting distracted and focus on studying. Nowadays it is very common to get distracted because it is difficult to concentrate when you got so many things to distract your concentration such as cell phones, internet, social media, television, family, friends etc. of course distraction from study family as a role to do it.

You try to study but your cell phones do not allow you because of the push notifications.

So let us find out how to concentrate without getting distracted.

Find the best place where you can get less distracted 

  • Your study area is the most crucial part of increasing focus. You need a place that is quite away from things that distracts you. Create an environment, which make you happy to study.
  • Select a place where there is good amount of bright light and air. This will protect your eyes from straining too much. Bright light also keeps you from dozing off.
  • Keep all the necessary things to read like books, stationary parts, water bottle etc. so you do not have to go often keeping this as reasons and helps you to concentrate.

How to focus on studies and avoid distractions

  • In order to focus you must eliminate those things that you know will distract you.  If you really want to get something done, it is probably easiest to terminate the chance of any social distractions. Turn off the notifications and put it on silent mode not in vibrate mode. However, I personally suggest switching off your phones during study hour so you can concentrate without any hindrance. Nothing will change in this world if your phone is silent for few hours.
  • Unplug from needless electronics. Keep away the electronics that you do not need such as music listening devices, video games etc.
  • Sit away from people who make loud noises.
  • Tell your parents about your study time and ask them not to disturb you in any ways during this period.
  • You can also message your peers that you are studying and ask them not to distract you.
  • Clear out all the unnecessary things surrounding your study area and keep only essential things.

Make a good timetable to reduce distraction

  • Make study plan which works for you. Do not worry about other’s plans or schedule. Each individual is different in his or her own ways.
  • Some are early birds and others are night owls. Early birds wake up early where rest of the world is in resting phase and start working on their tasks. They make this time the most. While on the other hand night owls work when everyone else has gone to bed.  You are either one of them.
  • Know when you can study and be more active. This decides whether you are an early bird or night owl.
  • Plan works unless you get effective results. Stick to one plan and maintain consistency if you do this for sure you will see good results.
  • Keep your schedule flexible and complete important syllabus first.
  • Complete with the difficult portions first.  This keeps you in motivation to do the rest of the things.
  • Practice making a plan for the next day in advance. Therefore, you do not have to rush or be upset on the day.
  • Try to reversal the subjects every hour to prevent getting bored. Too much study on one subject for too long will make your brain to go on autopilot.
  • Recall things which you have already studied .Revision is most important part of studying where most of the students fails to do it in a hurry to complete the syllabus. Multiple revisions helps you to remember the concepts and you will have good grip on the subjects. This will also reduce your anxiety level and stress during your exams.
  • Do not be in hurry to complete the entire syllabus. It is not necessary to complete everything. Be smart reader and know which are important chapters and has maximum number of marks. This applies to the students who plans to study at the edge of commencement of their exams.

Organize your study space

  • Clear away materials you o not need to study and keep your space organized to lessen the stress and anxiety, which allows for better concentration.
  • Water bottle is important as study materials. It helps you to keep hydrated.
  • Make sure to have all the materials you need to study. Have pencils, papers, calculators, textbooks, pens, highlighters etc.
  • Prefer wooden chair to sit, study, and know in which you are comfortable with to carry on you are daily goals. There should be no pressure on your back or neck. Pain is horrifying distraction.
  • Sit upright in a chair. Do not lay on a bed or couch or in a posture, which makes you to fall asleep.
  • A clean space is less distracted area too.
  • Motivate yourself to complete the tasks of studying.

love what your studying

How to study in a distracting environment

  • One should love things on what they are doing. If you love and enjoy your studies, half of the difficulty is gone. This helps you to concentrate as it creates curiosity on subjects when you love studying.
  • When you love things, the resistance also loves you and makes you easy with the tasks.
  • If you are not interested or hate to study then it will be very difficult to concentrate.

Regular exercise and meditation

  • Good health is necessary to everyone. It is important in students’ life too. Often falling sick can intrude your consistency and leads to anxiety. So keeping your body fit is important too.
  • Physical exercise can help you stay focused on the tasks besides making memories stickier.
  • Meditation improves your mental health and helps you to have better concentration and to have calm mind
  • Researchers have found that walking gives wings to imagination. It is an idea-generating component of creative thought.
  • Harvard’s research team in 2013 has proved that exercise turns out to be an excellent way to protect and intensify brain health.
  • Take a good amount of sleep. Sleep helps your brain to reserve information that you study. It also helps to regulate your hormones, which will keep your temper in check.

Take regular breaks

  •  Never think that taking break in between your study will waste your time. Taking breaks will motivate you to go further and refreshes your mind. Taking breaks is compulsory during your study time.
  •  Grab some healthy food to refresh your mind. Avoid heavy diet or junk foods. Drink water frequently.
  • During breaks, you can complete many small tasks, which do not affect your studying time. You can talk with your parents and share things or ideas with them.
  • Do not use a phone during your break time because it can extend the time used on your phone which distracts you completely.
  • Using phone as health disadvantages also.
  • Go out for a quick 15 -20 minutes walk. This will refresh you and your mind.
  •  Be productive and think productive. Make use of every minute in a good way. Take quizzes, which gains you knowledge. Learn something new during breaks.

Do not strain your brain love the process in peaceful manner stay isolated when you are reading

In Telugu distraction means – paradhyanam