Home Remedies For Tooth Pain

This article helps you know some home remedies for tooth pain.

Tooth pain is the most common thing and occurs to everyone at least once in their lifetime.

Tooth pain is one of the worst pain one can get. A toothache can drive you crazy. It takes a lot from you like it’s takes away your sleep, disrupting your appetite, importantly peace in your life. It causes much more difficulties than you imagine. Come on, let’s see much about this.

What is tooth pain?

A tooth pain is a pain that occurs in and around the teeth and Jaws.

Causes for tooth pain

Causes for toothache could be from decay, an infection, loose or broken fillings, or from receding gums.

Finding the root cause for your tooth pain is very much important for which you have to consult dentist. But before you make an appointment with the dentist, here are some home remedies that can help to relieve your pain.

Saltwater Rinse For Tooth Pain

  • For many people saltwater rinse is the first line treatment and it also works.
  • Saltwater works as a natural disinfectant and helps to loosen the food particles and debris stuck between your teeth.
  • To make saltwater, take a glass of warm water and add a table spoon of salt into it. Mix it well and rinse your mouth for 10 minutes. Do not drink it, use it as a mouthwash.
  • Both hot and cold water will be even more difficult to drink when you have tooth ache.
  • Where as warm water is soothing. Warm water helps ease the pain and helps in reducing the swell in your gum tissue.
  • It gives temporary relief due to its anti-bacterial properties.

Clove oil

  • Clove oil serves as an effective natural toothache remedy since this plant is known for its numbing properties.
  • It can temporarily reduce pain and swelling related to tooth ache.
  • Clove oil can effectively numb the pain and reduce inflammation. It contains eugenol, which is a natural antiseptic and an anesthetic
  • To use this method, put few drops of clove oil onto a cotton ball and apply it to the affected area.
  • If you don’t have clove oil, go with the clove, take a clove and place it on affected area for few minutes.

Cold compress

  • Tooth pain usually occurs when you have swollen gums or injury.
  • Cold compress helps in reducing the swollen gums and gives instant relief from a tooth pain
  • Hold a bag of ice cubes wrapped up in a towel on your cheek where your painful tooth is. Keep it for few minutes until you’re ok.
  • Cold treatment constricts blood vessels, reducing the flow of blood to the affected area.
  • Ice reduces swelling and gives a cooling effect.


  • Garlic has been used as a medicinal ingredient for thousands of years.
  • It helps in killing bacteria that cause dental plague and also reduce tooth ache.
  • Crush few garlic pieces to make a paste out it and apply it directly to the affected area.
  • Alternatively, you can chew some garlic to release the oil from it.


  • Ginger has antibacterial properties that helps in reducing your tooth ache by killing pain causing bacteria.
  • It helps in healing minor infections, wounds, redness and swelling.
  • Use a small piece of fresh ginger into your mouth and bite down. Swirl the juice of it around the affected area with your tongue.

The best way to prevent a toothache is by keeping your teeth and gum as healthy as possible. Do not ignore if you find any problems with your teeth at the initial stage. Find the cause for it and make it cure before it goes to the worst case.

If toothache consistently remains for more than a day it is compulsory to consult a dentist.

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