“Important Things To Do To Achieve Goal”

A life without a goal is meaningless. Goal plays an important role in our lives. That goal decides who we are and what we can be.

In simple words, the goal is for the betterment of our future we start doing things that lead us to reach a successful life or life we desired for.

For example, setting a goal to wake up early at 5:00 am every day, work out every day for 30 minutes, learn cooking recipes every weekend, and many more. The goal can be anything you want to do.

Why goal setting is so important?

Setting and achieving goals is an important piece of life. The setting goal gives you a purpose and guides your life. It helps activate new behaviors, helps you to focus, and helps you bear that energy in life.

By setting goals, you give yourself mental boundaries and make yourself mentally strong enough to reach them. Setting goals helps you in measuring your success. Goals help in making your own priorities and guides you to focus on what is important and not. The main foundation for prolonging motivation is the goal you have in your life.

Why is it so difficult to accomplish?

When it comes to achieving goals, most people lose the zeal of achieving their dreams at the beginning stage itself. Most people are not serious about their goals.

 They just talk, but no action about it. Why is it so difficult to achieve the goal? For anyone to achieve a goal they need determination and willpower to overcome this difficulty.

The goal only demands determination, hard work, consistency, and commitment. Why are people failing in managing these four things in life, which are affecting their goals?

Here are the most common reasons why do people fail in achieving their goals. Moreover, how to solve these and become an achiever and goal-oriented.

Stop talking start doing – move toward goal

  • Most people constantly talk and think about doing something but never takes action.
  • You will set the goals you want to achieve and make plans to achieve but nothing happens because you just make plans and talk about all your targets but you do not start doing things.
  • The first success after setting a goal is to start; once you start doing things then you are on track of your success.
  • Most people lose in this stage, as they do not put on time to work on things they have planned for, but just spend time thinking about it.
  • The best way to overcome this problem is to start immediately doing things as soon as you set the goal, never wait for time. Never give excuses yourself to start.
  • Stop thinking start doing, if not now, it is never.

Make to do list to achieve your goal

  • When you’re planning to do something make the list either in any book or on mobile.
  • The list should consist of what you should do on that specific day, nothing but before sleeping makes a note of things that has to be done in next day.
  • The next day once you wake up, your first job is to see the list of things to do, which are written in priority.
  • Complete all the things on that specified day, before going to sleep.

Goals are not specific

  • One of the main reasons people fail to reach their goals is that they are not being specific enough.
  • If your goals are not specific, it means they are not clear, if they are not clear, it means they cannot make better plans to achieve them.
  • First, learn to be specific in everything, do not be random. This is the best lesson you can learn before you experience sad things in your life.
  • For example, if you ask a student what his or her goal is, they may tell you he or she wants to be a government employee which is more vague or unclear than to be specific in the field they want to serve. They do not know in which sector they want to serve, they do not know the criteria, eligibility, and protocol.
  • One should have their own strategies and plans to reach goals.

They procrastinate to achieve goal

  • People tend to procrastinate more than completing their tasks on time. They give excuses, reasons for not accomplishing their tasks or goals.
  • Once you start procrastinating, that is where failure starts to rock in your life.
  • For example, a student set his target to read for 6 hours daily, dividing hours into 45 minutes for studying and 10 minutes break for every 45 minutes. He completes the first 45 minutes and takes a break for relaxation. This relaxation break extends to 15 minutes, 30 minutes and the day ends. He never gets back to the session he wanted to complete. This is because he procrastinated.
  • One of the main reasons for procrastination is the lack of interest in their goals.
  • So never procrastinate just do it until it’s done.
  • Always have this thought in your mind when you feel like procrastinating,

“Nothing matters ….. Everything else can wait”

No commitment

  • We see many people in our lives, who are successful. These successful people are 200% committed to their dreams and goals. They will do whatever they want, no matter how difficult it is to reach, where wanted to.
  • On the flip side, unsuccessful people will do things that are easy to them, they don’t take risk of doing things which is difficult to them, because of no commitment to their dream
  • Commitment is a “MUST” key to reach your goals.
  • With no commitment there exits no goals.

No priorities

  • People are so busy with their work-life, goal, and personal things.
  • We, humans, do multiple activities in a day as per the situations.
  • We can’t do all work in a single day. It takes having a clear list of priorities to effectively manage your time and know what counts while advancing in the direction of your goals.
  • When we have a set of tasks to be done in a day along with the daily goals, we eventually end up stressing ourselves what to do first and neglect our dream goals.
  • Prioritizing tasks is an art, one must learn what is important and what not; according to their situation, time, and the level of an urge to complete their daily tasks to achieve their goals.
  • You must learn to know how to prioritize and what to prioritize and achieve your goals.
  • For example, you want to get good marks in the exam, and your reading, you receive a phone call inviting you to some party, now priority matters party or good marks you decide.

No time investment

  • People are so busy that they do not have time for a change in life.
  • Most of the time people set goals, plan for them, and motivate themselves to achieve their goals. Nevertheless, eventually, they do not spend time on it.
  • They do not give time for their goals. They do not spend their precious time on achieving their goals instead people waste time on useless things.
  • Some people just live with no aim, no dream, and nothing. They just go to work, come back home and spend the rest of their time watching TV, Netflix, or partying throughout their life.

Give your best to achieve your goals do not waste your valuable time on useless things.

No focus

  • Focus and concentration can be difficult to master. Focus is the act of concentrating your interest or activity on something. In order to concentrate on thing that you like, you must ignore many other things.
  • You always have the option to do something else later, but in the present moment, focus requires that you only do one thing.
  • Most of the time people feel difficult to focus on things because they do not know how to decide.
  • Focus is the must act to accomplish our daily tasks.
  • People have this habit of focusing on the result but not on the process of getting that result.
  • There are only few people, who categorize success as a single event. However, if you look at the people who stay focused on their goals, you will realize that it is not the results or events that make them successful, but it’s the process of achieving is the key.
  • Studies have shown that listening to music will help you regain your focus and concentration back to the track. The key is to experiment first, and find suitable music that helps you to focus. Background noise also has been proved to sharpen your focus.

No SMART goals

  • SMART goals are goals written to conform to the following criteria
  • S for specific
  • M for measurable
  • A for achievable (or Attainable)
  • R for Realistic (or Relevant) and
  • T for time – and bound.
  • The S. M. A. R. T protocol was originally a management concept that was presented as a SMART way to write management goals and its objectives.
  • Make sure that you set goal in this manner that includes this SMART technique.
  • Setting goal is an art. One should know how to set their goals, with this SMART goal included in it. Goal should not be just a goal; it should be a SMART goal to deal it in a smart way.

They give up

  • People who do not accomplish or reach goal is because they give up.
  • This give up thought arises in the mind because of temporary happiness, people get diverted to these present or temporary pleasure and give up soon
  • Never give up, remember why you started.

few quotes on goal

6 thoughts on ““Important Things To Do To Achieve Goal””

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