DAILY MCQ FOR GOVT JOBS DAY 57 UPSC-For Govt jobs preparation Daily MCQ will be provided, most of the questions will be from the past question papers from UPSC, SSC IBPS, etc

  1. Consider the following (UPSC / IAS 2013)
  • Star tortoise
  • Monitor lizard
  • Pygmy hog
  • Spider monkey

Which of the above is found in India?

2. In the grasslands, trees do not replace the grasses as a part of an ecological succession because of (UPSC / IAS 2013)

  • Insects and fungi
  • Limited sunlight and paucity of nutrients
  • Water limits and fire 
  • None of the above

3. Acid rain is caused by the pollution of environment by (UPSC / IAS 2013) 

  • Carbon dioxide and nitrogen
  • Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
  • Ozone and carbon dioxide 
  • Nitrous oxide and Sulphur dioxide

4. In which of the following States is lion-tailed macaque found in its natural habitat? (UPSC / IAS 2013)

1. Tamil Nadu

2. Kerala

3. Karnataka

4. Andhra Pradesh

Select the correct answer using the codes given below. 

  • 1, 2 and 3 only 
  • 2 only
  • 1, 3 and 4 only 
  • 1, 2, 3 and 4

5. Fruits stored in a cold chamber exhibit longer storage life because (UPSC / IAS 2013)

  • Exposure to sunlight is prevented
  • Concentration dioxide in the is increased of carbon environment 
  • Rate of respiration is decreased 
  • There is an increase in humidity

6. National Income in India measured in terms of

  • Gross National Product
  • Gross Domestic Product
  • Net National Product at Market Price
  • Net National Product at Factor Cost

7. Gray Revolution belongs to

  • Milk
  • Oil seeds
  • Fish
  • Wool

8. The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is based in

  • Japan
  • South Korea 
  • Russia
  • China

9. Article 45 is related to

  • Right to equal opportunity of justice and free legal aid.
  • Right to work.
  • Right of children to free and compulsory education. 
  • Right to develop cottage industries.

10. Who was the first Indian elected to the British House of Commons?

  •  Dadabhai Naoroji
  •  Mahadev Govind
  •  Madan Mohan Malaviya
  •  Mahatma Gandhi

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