Daily MCQ for govt jobs today’s (Indian polity) day 95

DAY 95 MCQ ON INDIAN POLITY: For govt jobs preparation daily MCQ will be provided. most of the questions will be from the past question papers of UPSC, SSC, IBPS


1. Which one of the following constitutional amendment are related to raising the number of members of lok sabha to be elected from the states?

A)6th and 22nd
B)13th and 38th
C)7th and 31st
D)11th and 42nd

Answer 7th and 31st

2. Which one of the following schedules of the Indian constitution lists the name of states and specifies their territories?


Answer first

3. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the fourth schedule of the constitution of India?

A)It contains the scheme of distribution of powers between the union and the states.
B)It contains the languages listed in the constitution.
C)It contains the provision regarding the administration of tribal area
D)It allocates seats in the council of States

Answer it allocates seats in the council of States.

3. Which one of the following articles of the constitution of India says that the executive power of every state shall be so exercised as not to impede or  prejustice the exercise of the executive power of the union?

A)Article 257
B)Article 258
C)article 355
D)article 358

Answer article 257

4. Which article of the constitution of India, ‘no child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any factory is of mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment”?

A)Article 24
B)Article 45
C)Article 330
D)Article 368

Answer Article 24

5. The constitution 98th amendment Act is related to.

A)Empowering the centre to levy and appropriate service tax
B)The constitution of the national judicial commission
C)Readjustment of electoral constituency on the basis of the population census 2001
D)The demarcation of new boundaries between States.

Answer The constitution of the national judicial commission

6. Who among the following was the chairman of the union constitution committee of the constitution assembly?

A)BR Ambedkar
B)JB kripalani
C)Jawaharlal Nehru
D)Alladi krishnaswamy Iyer

Answer Jawaharlal Nehru

7. Which one of the following subjects is under the union list in the seventh schedule of the constitution of India?

A)Regulation of labour and safety in mines and oil fields.
D)Public health

Answer Regulation of labour and safety in mines and oil fields

8. What does the 104th  constitution amendment Bill related to.

A)Abolition of legislative council in certain States.
B)Introduction of dual citizenship for persons of Indian origin living outside India.
C)Providing quota to social and educationally backward classes in D)private educational institutions.
Providing quota for religious minority in the service under the central government

Answer Providing quota to social and educationally backward classes in private educational institutions

9. Which one among the following commission was set up in pursuance of a define it provision under an article of the constitution of India?

A)Universal grant commission
B)National human rights commission
C)Election commission
D)Central vigilance commission

Answer election commission

10. Which of the following constitution amendment Act 6th the size of the council of ministers at the centre and in a state must not exceed 15% of the total number of members in the lok sabha and the total number of members of the legislative assembly of that state, respectively?


Answer 91st




Geography related MCQ

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