How To Prioritize Things In a Better Way?

Many people in this world struggle to prioritize things in a right and better way. Here’s an article that helps you know how to prioritize things in a better way!!

Many of us might feel difficulty in prioritizing things and decide what to do first. When we procrastinate doing things or when we have a lot of things to be completed at the same time it starts to appear like the whole world is crashing down.

 Because we get confused about what to do first or how to prioritize things.

With more assignments, non-stop emails, and higher objectives, deciding what deserves your attention can quickly become burdensome.

Let’s see the meaning of prioritizing

To list or rate the projects, tasks, goals, work in order of priority.

Once you get to know how to prioritize tasks and your time, you realize that much of the work that felt urgent doesn’t need your attention. At least not right away.

Once you master this skill, you’ll be enjoying a productive life without any difficulty.

Here are some simple tips on how to prioritize things in a better way

1. Write down everything you need to complete.

  • Start writing what exactly you need to do in random order which strikes your mind.
  • However small or big the task seems to, write down everything and make a to-do list.
  • Then start categorizing or arranging the thing you need to do. Like house chores, academics, work commitments, relationships, personal growth, etc.

2. Break tasks into small pieces to prioritize

  • When you break up things by classifying, it will help you make things easier.
  • Identify the most important things on your list and rewrite the list with those at the top.
  • Rank according to the significance of each task. Rank the quickness of each task considering time limits or deadlines.

3. Make three levels to rank the several tasks and criteria on your list.

  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

Or you can rank in this way too

  • Urgent and important
  • Important, but not urgent
  • Urgent but not important
  • Neither urgent nor important
  • Use colors to differentiate the levels by marking the most important tasks using red, orange for medium importance tasks and yellow for the less important task.
  • You can also use an Excel spreadsheet to create a to-do list.
  • Keep the to-do list visible. Hang it somewhere where you’ll commonly look, like a wall, refrigerator, bulletin board.
  • You can even make this to-do list as a background of your phone screen or save in your phone.

4. Set a realistic goal for how much you can accomplish

  • Be honest with yourself about how much of time you can use working on your to-do list, and how much you can relatively get done.
  • Estimate the time and effort. The more realistic the to-do list is the better.
  • At the beginning of doing anything, we will be enthusiastic but if you overwork then you might drop all your plans.
  • Trying to do too much can be overwhelming to you and will disturb your physical and mental well being.
  • Start working on your priorities early enough to avoid rushing at the last minute to meet the deadline.

Apart from the above-mentioned consider these points too when you prioritize things.

  • Put time aside for the unexpected.
  • Take small breaks to get rejuvenated.
  • Commit to complete your tasks.
  • Focus on one thing at a time. Do not multitask.
  • Give time to every part of your life like personal, carrier, relationship, academics, etc.
  • Do not procrastinate.
  • Be flexible to adopt changes in your plans.
  • Revaluate the output of your plans and make changes accordingly.

Check out how to overcome procrastination?

2 thoughts on “How To Prioritize Things In a Better Way?”

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