The average marks obtained by 80 students in an examination is 50. If the average marks of passed students is 55 and the number of students who failed with examination are 30, then what is the average marks of students who failed the examination?


A) 41.66

B) 52.33

C) 46.66

D) 40.33



  • Average marks obtained by 80 students in an examination is 50 = 80X50 = 4000 Is average of both passed and failed students that is 80 students total marks
  • failed students are 30 as per question.
  • If failed students are 30, then 80-30= 50 students (passed)
  • 50 passed students average is 55 which means 50×55 =2750
  • total average is 4000 and passed students average is 2750
  • remaining students average (failed students ) = 1250
  • failed students average is 1250 which as to be divided by 30 students

1250/30 = 41.66

ANSWER = 41.66

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