By 2030, India’s economy will be the third largest.

By 2030, India’s economy will be the third largest.

India by 2030, New Delhi

According to S&P Global Ratings, it will grow to be the third-biggest economy in the world on Tuesday. However, it also stated that seizing the “enormous opportunity” to establish the nation as the next major global manufacturing hub is the country’s main challenge.

According to the US-based rating, India is expected to become the major economy with the fastest rate of growth in the next three years. In the current fiscal year, the GDP is 6.4%, and by 2026

Global S&P Ratings

Furthermore, it is reported to reach 7%. At the end of the fiscal year 2022–2023 India’s economy was valued at $3.73 trillion, making it the world’s fifth largest economy after the US, China, and Germany.

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