Palworld: Eight hours and one million copies sold by Palworld

Developed by Pocketpair, Palworld is a brand-new multiplayer open-world survival crafting game. In this game, you can explore a large globe and make friends with enigmatic “Pals” animals. Your friends can engage in conflict, construction, farming, and factory work123. The game is accessible on Steam1 and was released on January 19, 2024. While the game is still in early access, the developers intend to make a number of enhancements to it over the course of the next year or so.


Palworld, also known as “Pokémon with guns,” it moved fast to the top of Steam’s list of best-selling games. It also broke into the top four lists of games that gamers were concurrently playing on Steam. Palworld had surpassed PUBG, the battle royale game, into third position at the time this story was published, with 365,000 concurrent players and a “very positive” user review rating.

However, the massive rush of people during launch has resulted in server issues. Palworld’s servers have grown erratic, according to Pocketpair, which could lead to connectivity problems. “We’re trying to fix this as soon as possible!” Pocketpair sent out a tweet.

The creator went on, “In the interim, some users have reported success in waiting after starting the game or trying to connect two or three times.”

It’s important to note that, despite Palworld’s successful debut, the Xbox version lacks several of the features found in the Steam edition. Pokémon aficionados are also voicing their concerns about the parallels between the two games now that Palworld is available in the wild.

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