Tech giant may layoff 30000 employees, due to AI

Unimaginably, artificial intelligence has greatly improved our world, but there are a lot of worries about how this technology may affect jobs and the credibility of the labor force. According to some predictions, millions of people may lose their jobs in the next ten years as a result of automation and neural networks. AI has brought about a huge transformation in the business, education, market, and government sectors.

Tech Giant causing unemployment

Although Google is actively working to improve its AI model, there are signs lately that the tech behemoth is considering a major change to its organizational structure in addition to concentrating on AI development for external applications.

As part of a strategic move to integrate AI into various aspects of its business processes, Google is reportedly considering a significant workforce reduction that could impact up to 30,000 employees, according to a recent report from The Information.

It is expected that the proposed restructuring will mainly affect Google’s ad sales division, where the company is investigating the advantages of using AI to improve operational efficiency.

As the report demonstrates the revolutionary effect of AI on the revenue streams associated with digital advertising, potentially reducing the need for human intervention in these tasks, the adoption of AI in this domain could cause a significant upheaval within Google.

Speaking about the ongoing changes, Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, recognized the need to realign the company and emphasized the difficulties brought about by the changing environment as well as the costs involved in terms of job losses.
Notably, Pichai believed that Google’s decision to fire about 12,000 workers was crucial to the company’s flexibility and ability to make investments in new markets in the midst of a dramatically changing global economy.

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